- – an opportunity to dream … not only about who we are , but also about where we came from and where we are goin

Description: an opportunity to dream ... not only about who we are , but also about where we came from and where we are going...

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an opportunity to dream … not only about who we are , but also about where we came from and where we are going…

One of the main reasons for naming my blog Primal Monkey is not to be dismissive of anything that the human species already accomplished, but to acknowledge the fact that we still have a long way to go. Something about saying so may sound condescending or manipulative, but I think we all experience moments when we realize that society is still lacking in terms of what it can offer as opposed to what is currently available to us. I don’t think to lay out a clear path will ever be up to just one person and to

While this post started with a thought that reflected on society as a whole and how society has room for improvement, I think the same is true about ourselves as well. We excuse and forgive ourselves easily, but sometimes don’t blink an eye when judging others. What we know is a culmination of the knowledge that we could gather from our own exposure to others, to academia, and to a wealth of different experiences. More often than not we prefer to keep the company of likeminded people. We go to places that w