- Prevel Retreat –

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Using a mouth guard for sleeping can solve a variety of problems for bruxism sufferers. During sleep, the muscles in the back of the throat relax and cause the airway to close and narrow. During this process, the muscles that support the tongue, tonsils, and uvula relax as well. When this happens, the airway closes and becomes narrowed, resulting in a stoppage of breathing.

If you think your child may be suffering from teeth grinding, a mouthguard is a simple and convenient solution. These mouthpieces have a soft surface to prevent contact between the upper and lower teeth, while providing a layer of protection between the teeth and gums. However, before buying a mouth guard for sleeping, be sure to know the different types and the benefits of each. In addition, it is important to know that a proper mouthguard should also be cleaned regularly, as a dirty one can lead to bacter

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