- Pretty Fakes

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Since there are so many adult games with sexy comic characters out there, we’ve done the work for you by narrowing down a list of our favorites. These titles offer plenty of fun and excitement without compromising on the sexual content that makes them great, whether it be through the addition of some seriously hot porn stars, or just the sheer amount of sexy artwork. Check them out below!

The sequel to Batballs offers even more erotic adventures in the world of Batgirls and superheroes. This time around players have the chance to play as Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and the rest of the all-star cast. Players will step into their boots and get right down to business fighting crime while exploring their sexuality.

While the game’s main appeal is its pornographic content, the gameplay is still worth checking out. In fact, this title also features a story mode which has players trying to rescue the kidnapped super heroes from villains like Lex Luthor and the Joker. It’s not quite as good as Arkham Asylum , but it does feature a few hours of solid action if you’re looking for something else to do besides having sex with sexy ladies.