- Prefab | Pixel-Based Reverse Engineering Toolkit

c# (3617) layout (2315) tree (1441) interaction (606) user (474) reverse engineering (313) pixels (170) toolkit (156) prefab (151)

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Prefab is a system for reverse engineering the interface structure of graphical interfaces from their pixels. In other words, Prefab looks at the pixels of an existing interface and returns a tree structure, like a web-page's Document Object Model, that you can then use to modify the original interface in some way. Prefab works from example images of widgets; it decomposes those widgets into small parts, and exactly matches those parts in screenshots of an interface. Prefab does this many times per second t

Prefab helps you implement your ideas in the real world . It provides tools for reverse engineering the appearance of widgets and interpreting the semantics about interfaces. Prefab is written in C# and runs on windows, but it can reverse engineer interfaces from any OS. Check out our videos where Prefab interprets the pixels of a remote desktop application to reverse engineer Mac OS X interfaces.

The demonstration videos provide numerous examples of the types of applications that can be built with the Prefab toolkit.