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The treatment strategy is built based on the features of morphological and functional changes, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient. Treatment can be medical, as a type of obstruction, achalasia of the cardia can also be eliminated with a temporary resorbable stent equipped with an antireflux valve.

Achalasia cardia (another name for esophageal achalasia) occurs at any age, including newborns and the elderly. But more often it affects people aged 20 to 50 years, with almost the same frequency of men and women.

But it is believed that the main cause of the development of achalasia is the defeat of the parasympathetic nervous system. Such a lesion of the autonomic nervous system may be associated with its congenital features or occur against the background of an infection in the wall of Prednisone. In the later stages of achalasia of the cardia, damage to the sympathetic nervous system also develops.

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