- A Glimpse Through The Window Of My Soul: My Life's Journey Through The Art Of Poetry by Precious Miriam Babalola- Lafleur

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A Glimpse Through The Window of My Soul is a book that allows readers to see the world through Christian eyes. It gives readers a chance to think about the choices they make, and help them to realize that their choices do not only impact them, but society and the world. I write about issues that are dear to me and lessons that I have learned and experienced. I want readers to know that they are not alone. I have gone through what they have gone through, and they will come out victorious as well. I also wish

eBook includes ePub file for the Amazon Kindle, Sony® Reader, Google eBookstore, Barnes & Noble nook™, Kobo Books, and iBookstore versions

As I search my soul I find that I seek to be perfect in every aspect of my life . . . I seek to be the perfect daughter, Ganiu and Joan raised me. I strive to be the person that they’ll want me to be. I seek to be the perfect wife, a virtuous woman is what I strive to be. I seek to be the perfect mother, I will teach my children to live the Word of God. I know that in this day and time, what I’m saying may sound odd.