- - Practical Strategy and Experience Design

Description: Practical Strategy and Experience Design

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Through the years, I’ve watched designers share their work with a wide variety of decision makers in a multitude of situations. In all that time, one thing has been consistent—a successful outcome is 50% good design and  50% presentation. Sadly, there are few resources to help designers learn the second half. Plenty of solid design gets mired in debate and revision churn because the designer didn’t know how to align the discussion with the audience.

I’ve begun formalizing the techniques I use to help ease the frustration of good design getting stuck. Some of these techniques, I shared at Leading Design 2016 . It was a top notch event, and a great opportunity to try things out and get feedback.  This first tool, is called the Decision-Maker Mindset Map. Its purpose is to build empathy for the power holders that you need to reach effectively. Feel free to use it and share your feedback about how it works for you.

This exercise is similar to Dave Gray’s Empathy Map , however it looks at information specific to the creation of a presentation strategy. You can do this exercise alone, but it’s most effective throwing at least two brains at it.