ppb.readthedocs.io - PursuedPyBear 3.2.0 documentation

Example domain paragraphs

PursuedPyBear, also known as ppb , exists to be an educational resource. Most obviously used to teach computer science, it can be a useful tool for any topic that a simulation can be helpful. At its core, ppb provides a number of features that make it perfect for video games. The GameEngine itself provides a pluggable subsystem architecture where adding new features is as simple as subclassing and extending System .

This document explains the practical and technical details of ppb . If you want to know more about what it is, its goals, or why you should use it, check out this page or our website .

Our documentation is separated into practical steps and theoretical knowledge. The docs are made up of Tutorials, which allow you to learn quickly, and guides which bring you to a specific goal. We also have a standard API reference.

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