pourmesomewhine.com - Pour Me Some Whine | Just a single mom livin' life on the edge – and trying not to fall off.

Description: Just a single mom livin' life on the edge - and trying not to fall off.

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I get told this a lot when I tell people about what I’ve been doing to lose weight. It’s hard to imagine someone losing 34 pounds (as of today, March 25) in less than three months without starving themselves.

But honestly, I’m not starving. Most of the time I’m not even hungry.

That’s kind of the point of the ketovore/carnivore lifestyle: You eat the foods that don’t make you crave other foods. Which is why dumping the sugar – especially processed sugars – and carbs is so important. Carbs make you crave other carbs . They set off a process in your body telling it to make insulin, which then tells fat cells to accumulate more fat and burn carbs – instead of fat – for energy.