- California Canvas Prints by Philip Warbasse

Description: 4X6 inch canvas prints with easel featuring images from California landscape and urban photographer Philip Warbasse

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Now available, for the first time in small format, PostHastePics ™ is pleased to offer Landscape & Urban photography by Philip Warbasse on signed 4"X6" inch canvas prints + wooden easel .

PostHastePics' Le Petit canvas prints measure just 4"X6" inches . Bursting with color, hand-stretched, paper-backed , and individually signed . The Main Collection grows every month and, periodically, select photographs find their way to the Limited Editions category. Please check in often and join our mailing list for updates and discounts.

Philip Warbasse loves to photograph California's landscapes and urban environments. Now, PostHastePics ™ has created Le Petit canvases as a way to get his best-known photographs into your hands. They are small, fun, and affordable art pieces that everyone can enjoy.

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