positivemindsonly.net - Brandplus Solutions - Website Design, Social Media Marketing and Business Consultancy

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Positive Minds Only Hey I’m Kenneth Brady CEO, and creator of Positive Minds Only LLC, and podcast. I’m a father of 6, and an occasional vegetarian who loves steak, but before you can know, who I am today you have to know my past.

I was born on March 14, 1990, in Atlanta, GA, the middle of 5 children. After being taken away from my mother and father at the age of 3. I would be raised in Gary, IN, by my grandma, and great-grandmother. We were raised in a 3 bedroom home where my siblings and I shared the smallest room, and for many years there was only one bed, which was mostly occupied by my eldest sister. That’s where the seed of independence was planted; not having a mother or father to rely on, my siblings and I would compete for t

By January of 2018, I decided to quit my job at the casino, and move to Las Vegas with my family. It was here in Las Vegas where I found my passion for speaking. By November of 2018 I would create my first podcast episode, Positive Minds Only. By 2019, I decided to start my own business Positive Minds Only, so I could help others, in life to become their greatest self. Instead of keeping the secrets to success for myself, I want to inspire the world to evolve collectively.