positivekidsblog.com - POSITIVE KIDS – How to raise children who are genuinely loving, caring, and giving and who have genuine respect for themselves.

Description: How to raise children who are genuinely loving, caring, and giving and who have genuine respect for themselves.

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How to raise children who are genuinely loving, caring, and giving and who have genuine respect for themselves.

So much controversy these days surrounding choice. The positive powers of choice are immeasurable but can sometimes be harmful.

I’m a huge believer in providing children with choices whenever possible. Giving them power over the guided choices they need to make is essential to building good self-esteem and empowerment (and, parents, leads to much less arguing) I used to joke about giving my kids choices when they were young by stating the choice, “Would you like to eat your broccoli or have your thumbs cut off?” In reality, their choices were more like, “Would you like broccoli or carrots? My daughter brought me a stack of books she