positive-nutrition.com - Positive Nutrition | Salt Lake City Registered Dietitians

Description: The team at Positive Nutrition can help you make peace with food and say goodbye to diets forever. Individual nutrition therapy, online courses and podcasts!

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0 APPROACH FOOD IN A WHOLE NEW WAY Diets don't work. They leave you feeling guilty, defeated and frustrated. We promise there's a better way! Positive Nutrition ®  combines the science and art of nutrition in a way that creates connection and peace with your body, rather than fighting against it. Learn how to approach food and nutrition in a way that cultivates positivity and leaves room for the things in life that matter most.

Positive Nutrition ® provides comprehensive, client-centered nutrition therapy aimed at addressing the client as a whole person. Our approach to nutrition counseling is a unique blend of expertise in the science and art of nutrition. Together with our clients, we work in partnership to make changes with nutrition and lifestyle that are sustainable, realistic, positive and individually tailored to their unique needs, ultimately helping clients heal their relationship with food and end the dieting game foreve