pootrap.com - PooTrap - clean up dog poop after your dog - the best solution. The best substitute of pooper scooper. The best way cleaning up

Description: POOTRAP - Professional and the best substitute of Pooper Scooper. PooTrap is the unique and the best invention Pet products and supplies of cleaning up dog poop. PooTrap is the best Pet Waste Removal Device. PooTrap can easily and fast cleaning up dog poop. 犬便圈-撿狗便,清狗便,很麻煩嗎?不!!遛狗可以很輕鬆-清理狗大便的好方法-環保寵物行動馬桶-POOTRAP-犬便圈.撿狗狗的便便,無論是鄉鎮市政府設置的狗便黃金屋免費提供塑膠袋,或是教民眾DIY狗便拾取器,都不如使用犬便圈接狗便來得方便與輕鬆.寵物用品-撿狗便便的狗便器最新發明專利,與狗狗便便有關的清潔用品,適用於各種大小尺寸的狗,簡單又方便的3個安裝步驟,完全不會接觸到手,利用特殊磁性原理,犬便袋直接承接住狗便便,輕鬆將犬便袋與犬便圈分離與吸上.在現今的寵物市場中, POOTRAP犬便圈是最適合也是

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