poohsthink.com - Pooh's Think

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--> The Original Blog January 6th, 2017 The Story For those new to the Wood:

Most people know about Pooh’s Think because of my blogging ten years ago. I stopped blogging in 2008, and soon after, the database was hacked and destroyed. So what you see here is a less eventful carrying on, for no very good purpose. The original blogging was a story about the slow expulsion of my family from a thriving religious and educational community in Moscow, Idaho. I told the story in real time, as the turbulent events unfolded, but this telling quickly became part of the drama, part of what was d

I hope to better introduce this in the near future. For now, I refer you to the Praise for Pooh’s Think page to the right for comments I received in 2006 and 2007. These comments give some sense of the story.