polyseum.club - Polyseum – The first multi path Fine Arts Experience Center in the world.

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The art business through an educational perspective.

Polyseum is built as a core central hub, location independent, embedding relations with top players of the art business. We propose a new model that puts education at the center of everything. Artists, brokers, academics, Museum, curators, gallery owners and other professionals join us to find new avenues for Art. Our productions, available at participating centers worldwide, give everyone a chance to deliver their message.

Poly-art, poly-national, poly-specialty, poly-audience. Polyseum is the first multi path Fine Arts Experience Center in the world. Activated by the Emicapital Foundation in London and committed to excellence in Fine Arts, Polyseum has a vision: Building a new ecosystem for Fine Arts, based on education. A place where creativity meets expression, static becomes dynamic, past meets future, experience become knowledge, communication becomes education.