policefireconsolidation.com domain details

Description: UnionActive

union made (551) the ultimate website management an communications system for fop (118)

Example domain paragraphs

Police Fire Consolidation (PFC) is a not for profit informational site offering factual information, substantiated statistics, and clear analysis of effectiveness concerning Police and Fire consolidations. Some other programs offer their version of consolidation while conveniently promoting a self-serving agenda for themselves, all under the promise of savings to the taxpayers of communities considering shared services.

The information we provide is reality based with photographic, video and audio evidence supplied by those individuals actually doing the job not hypothetical or theory based.

The PFC offers precise analysis of actual costs to communities, as opposed to inflated savings as contrived by some other consolidation services. PFC also provides a Myth vs. Fact comparison of the role of police officers and firefighters, debunking the fallacy portrayed by so called professionals that consolidation is an easy, cost effective conversion.