pointofyew.com - Point of Yew | 4 out of 5 archers recommend this WordPress.com site

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I get wound up about stuff. Stuff that I have no control over.

Yeah I should just chill out and get on with shit but I like to think of myself as fairly smart so I think about why the things I don’t understand happen. It generally comes down to stupidity or greed. Be it greed of power, money, ego or more likely, all three. Let me chuck in an example and you can figure out yourself what this is.

We have a new Federal government as of 2022. They are a Labor government which to non-Aussies means the Republicans/Tories lost. And that is exactly how it actually happened. Labor’s collective vote decreased in this election, but since the right wing nutjobs collective went down even more, Labor won the election in typical Aussie Steven Bradbury fashion.