poetrysharepoint.com - Wyrmwood Movie | Inside the Machine

Description: Inside the Machine

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As we stand poised to begin production on Wyrmwood Apocalypse, feelings of deep nostalgia for Wyrmwood Road of the Dead have begun to well up.

The final shoot on the first Wyrmwood , was my favourite by far. The shoot location, a magical pine forest in Oberon, was freezing cold. The frost on the car windscreens was inches thick, but our hearts were warm. By this point, we had worked on the film sporadically, but with dedication for over four years. Now, finally, everyone could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Or perhaps, it was just the orange glow from setting stuntman Alex Jewson’s head on fire. Either way, the fresh film making enthusias

The mood on set was light and playful, in between the complex fight choreography and stunt work. It was so action packed, that no one sat still long enough to actually freeze. The hours were long, it cost us in blood sweat and tears, and it took me many months to look at sweet potato again, but it was worth it.