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Alfred Sadler and Blair Sadler, a doctor and a lawyer, who are also twin brothers, worked together on the early laws concerning organ donation and the first heart transplants, the emergence of the physician assistant profession, the birth of bioethics, and the transformation of emergency medicine. In this compelling and stirring book, they take us on a fascinating journey through the National Institutes of Health, Yale University Medical School, The Hastings Center on Bioethics, and the Robert Wood Johnson

In (P)luck, the Sadlers recall being in rooms where major changes occurred that have had multi-generational and lifesaving impacts on our country’s healthcare. They describe their roles in helping to lead and accelerate the pace and scale of needed change. The lessons they learned are enduring and relevant today.

Whether you are interested in health care, environmental activism, criminal justice reform, economic and racial equity, or education, transformation is possible with the help of the authors’ 15 lessons for catalyzing change that conclude their enriching book.