- Playing Peoria | Artists, Performers and Entertainers in Central Illinois

Description: Artists, Performers and Entertainers in Central Illinois

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By Craig Stocks / Photography by Craig Stocks

If you happen to see a video of someone playing Jenga with a whip or performing tricks with a flaming fire whip there’s a very good chance it’s April Choi working the whip. April combines the inquiring and calculating mind of an engineer with the grace of a dancer, a flair for fire and a passion for teaching to create new props and tools and teach others how to use them.

April grew up in a number of areas of the country and ended up in Iowa before coming to Peoria a few years ago as a contract research engineer at Caterpillar Inc.  Her technical background includes a bachelors and masters in mechanical engineering with specialties in combustion systems and computational flow dynamics . She loves to combine her engineering side with her creative energy.