- National Program for Playground Safety (NPPS)

Description: The National Program for Playground Safety (NPPS) at the University of Northern Iowa works for all children to have access to safe environments for play. We want to help educate communities on safe, quality, and fun play areas for children. We advocate at the local, state, and national level to support play, access, and enjoyable playground environments.

americans with disabilities act (96) playground safety (13) playground inspection (10) university of northern iowa (7) npps (2) playground supervision (1) playground research (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Playgrounds are safe places for exploration and play. These 8 steps can keep children safe:   1. Always supervise children when they play.  Adult s...

Thermally Comfortable Playgrounds NPPS partnered with Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and Health Canada to develop a technical report, Thermally Co...

NPPS Heather Olsen was cited in an article on the future of playgrounds. She shares the stagnation of the level of playground injuries suggests there ...

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