- Placer4MentalHealth – Placer CCW

Example domain paragraphs

Give Placer County the knowledge that is necessary to reduce mental health stigma and discrimination at both the personal and systemic level.

Stigma surrounding mental health is a major concern. One in four people globally will experience a mental health issue at some point in their life. Despite this, many people with mental illness face shame and discrimination. This makes them feel lonely and embarrassed and prevents them from seeking help. The stigma also leads to limited funding and access to quality care. We must take action to break the cycle of poor mental health outcomes. It's crucial that we work together to reduce the stigma and provid

To better understand mental health stigma and discrimination, one must understand mental health.  One of the main causes of stigma and discrimination is the misconception behind the person or illness being stigmatized. The most important part of understanding illness is that it does not discriminate. Illnesses come in different shapes, sizes, and in anyone. Mental illness is an illness of the brain which is an organ just like the heart or the kidney. Just like any other illness, it can put a strain on peopl

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