piotrgoldstein.org - About - Piotr Goldstein

Description: A social scientist with research expertise in activism and civil society, post-conflict societies, the everyday, inter-ethnic dynamics, identity and gender.

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I am a social scientist working working at the intersection of social and visual anthropology , sociology, and political science. I have research expertise in activism and civil society , post-conflict societies, migration, inter-ethnic dynamics , identity and gender . My multi-disciplinary background and commitment to visual, sensory and mixed methods shape both my research and my teaching practice.

Currently, I work at the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) and at the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM) , both in Berlin. Before that, I was Thomas Brown Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin and  Between 2015 and 2018 I held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Manchester, during which I researched donor-independent civil society and various forms of everyday activism in Novi Sad (Serbia), Lodz (Poland), Debrecen (Hungary)

Welcome to my website! To start with you may want to read some of my publications , watch some videos or listen to some of the soundscapes I recorded.

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