- Pink Fight

Example domain paragraphs

Me in January at the Opera House in Budapest, Hungary.

My name is Kathryn, I am a 24 year old Medical Student. On April 1, 2013 I was diagnosed with stage 2 Breast Cancer, 16 days shy of my 24 th birthday. The longest April fools day joke. Unfortunately there was no “JK” at the end when the surgeon told me my diagnosis.

After my mastectomy on April 9, 2013 I was diagnosed with a subtype of Invasive Ductual Carcinoma (IDC) called invasive glycogen rich clear cell carcinoma. Luckily, there were no metastases or lymph node involvement. The breast cancer is now out of me (Woohoo!!!) but, due to chance of reoccurance, I am receiving adjuvant Chemotherapy to decrease the likelihood of any more future “lumps in the road”.