- Amateur Radio Pinebeetles Net

Example domain paragraphs

The Pine Beetle Ham Radio Net was formed in 1994 with 13 charter members listed below. We have since inducted 29 new members and 1 honorary member. We are a ragchew group that gets together daily from 6:30AM to 7:40AM on 80 meters around 3763.50 + or -. The discussions range from ham radio, computers, RV camping, all the way to conservative politics. Come sit in with us sometime and give us your feedback.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13

The Pine Beetle Ham Radio Net was formed in 1994 with 13 charter members listed below in which only 2 remain. We have since inducted several many new members. We are a ragchew group that gets together daily from 6:30AM to 7:40AM on 80 meters around 3763.50 + or -. The discussions range from ham radio, computers, RV camping, all the way to religion and conservative politics. Come sit in with us sometime and give us your feedback. Our only request is to be respectful to all.