pilgrimofbrixham.co.uk - Pilgrim of Brixham adventure sailing holidays

Description: Pilgrim of Brixham adventure sailing on an 1895 restored Brixham sailing trawler. Try a sailing experience in Devon, Cornwall or Brittany

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A brilliant couple of days spent at the Plymouth P Pilgrim anchored up the Dart for a beautiful misty Amazing shot of Pilgrim anchored at Babbacombe by Load More… Follow Pilgrim on Instagram var sb_instagram_js_options = {"font_method":"svg","placeholder":"https:\/\/pilgrimofbrixham.org.uk\/wp-content\/plugins\/instagram-feed\/img\/placeholder.png","resized_url":"https:\/\/pilgrimofbrixham.org.uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sb-instagram-feed-images\/","ajax_url":"https:\/\/pilgrimofbrixham.org.uk\/wp-admin\/adm

Pilgrim is charity owned and operated by the Pilgrim Heritage Sailing Foundation. She celebrates her 125th Anniversary in 2020 and is the oldest surviving trawler that was built and rigged in Brixham.

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