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Over the course of the program, a talented group of international instructors teaches participants how to butcher whole carcasses, and how to utilize every part for food. They learn how to transform pig bellies into bacon, legs muscles into ham, fatback into lardo, and liver into pâté. They learn the art of salami making and the secrets to a perfect prosciutto. And in the process, they learn how to safely, successfully, and profitably incorporate these techniques into their own food-related careers.

Pigstock is now in it’s 7th year. Each year we change the program so that repeat attendees will want to come back and so that we are always providing the best programming available. This year, our theme is Pigstock: Camp Charcuterie, an intensive three-day program for professionals.  

This challenging program is hands-on, and taught by a group of international experts. Set against the dramatic fall colors and rolling landscape of Traverse City, Michigan, this unique annual gathering, sponsored and organized by Cherry Capital Foods since 2010, fosters a greater appreciation for responsible meat production and consumption, heritage pig breeds, humane animal harvest, whole animal utilization, and traditional meat preservation. Good wine, delicious beer, and plenty of amazing food flow throu