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Description: Make an ImpactYou can make an impact in a child's life by donating to the PIE Charity to help them realise and raise their ambitions and aspirationsDonateWin £2000Could your local primary school do with winning £2000, connecting with business and pupils experiencing enterprise, coding and e ...

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Delivering enterprise and STEM challenges in partnership with schools and business underpinned by formal vocational enterprise qualifications. We will provide a clear and consistent framework that enables young people to learn in a fun and engaging approach recognising strengths and allows business to use its expertise to bring education to life.

We aim to help young people aged 6-16 years old to realise their ambitions and raise aspirations through providing real life enterprise experiences delivered holistically in association with parents, pupils, teachers and businesses to ultimately ensure future work forces are aware of emerging opportunities and adequately prepared for the world of work

Better equipped young people with key soft and transferable skills who are aware of and prepared for the world of work, alongside completing a vocational qualification pathway. A clear framework that provides local businesses the opportunity to positively influence and engage with schools. Improved community cohesion through the engagement and involvement of shopkeepers that also provide volunteering opportunities for parents to develop skills. Out of term activities providing parents and pupils additional