- Stoyan's web dev blog:

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Inspired by Harry Roberts’ research and work on ct.css and Vitaly Friedman’s Nordic.js 2022 presentation, Rick Viscomi hacked up a tool (a JS snippet) called capo.js that can do what Harry says. Next logical step is to test the results of the tool in a no-code experimental setting and see if the results make sense […]

Lighthouse (LH), the performance auditing tool from Google now has a diff tool so you can compare what happens before/after a change or me vs competitor types. And (WPT), the industry-darling web perf analyzer, also runs Lighthouse and in addition to presenting the results (in two different ways, actually) you can export the results […]

Adam Fendrych reported that Scott Jehl said in his Web Expo talk that a website should load before you can say “Cumulative Layout Shift”. What does that mean in practice? We’re web performance specialists here, we work with measurements and numbers, so we need a more exact number. Numbers reduce ambiguity. To find out that […]

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