- PhooD Thoughts

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Washington is home to amazing seafood, which includes Penn Cove Mussels. These tasty bivalves are found in the waters of Puget Sound, and like the Manila clam, are easy to prepare, fairly inexpensive, and take well to many different flavors. While we often prepare mussels the same way we prepare clams, we also enjoy experimenting with different flavor combinations. One particularly delicious approach to mussels is cooking them in a green curry broth packed with aromatics and then garnished with bright herbs

Mussels in a curry broth, either red or green, can be found occasionally at restaurants, but they are also easy enough to prepare at home! The recipe below is not too complicated and requires minimal cooking time, but its success depends on proper preparation. Once you start cooking, the recipe moves quickly and should take only about 10 minutes to cook!

Servings: 2 as a main