- Pharma&cie

Description: Pharma&Cie

pharmacie en ligne (45)

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Choose your pharmacy > Make an appointment Order online Transfer my file Contact us Login Registration Français I already have a pharmacy associated with my account! Login ✖ Choose your for personalized services YOUR LOCATION Search document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function() { var pharmaciesListBuild = '['; pharmaciesListBuild += '{"id": "1","name": "Uniprix Pierre Bergeron & Marisa Sgro", "slug": "pharmacie-pierre-bergeron-marisa-sgro-inc", "storeUrl": "/Stores/pharmacie-pierre-bergeron-marisa

Make an appointment for a multitude of services including blood samples, vaccinations and travel health consultations.

Are you moving or do you want to change pharmacies? Transfer your file to one of our Uniprix-Proxim Pharma&cie member branches and simplify your life with your renewals.