- Home - Pharegis LLC - regulatory affairs services, drug products and API registration in Russia and EAEU, GMP certification

Description: Drug registration service, biosimilars registration, clinical studies, pharma regulatory service in Russia by CRO Pharegis

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If you are planning to enter Russian or EAEU market with a new pharmaceutical product, sophisticated medical device or just want to start selling your active pharmaceutical ingredients to Russian partners, maybe you already realized that finding time-efficient, fully predictable and transparent service provider, focused and dedicated to such projects in its experience would be optimal choice for your business with long-term impact and perspective.  Here are main reasons for how any service solutions provide

We have over 15 years of extensive experience working with Russian Healthcare system namely Ministry of Health , Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor) , Federal State Budgetary Institution ‘Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products’ (FSBI ‘SCEEMP’) and every other expertise authority responsible for registration of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in Russia.

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