- PH8Lraps

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SINCE 1985 Available now! DISTRIBUTED BY SONY/ORCHARD SINCE 1985 Available now! DISTRIBUTED BY SONY/ORCHARD SINCE 1985 Available now! DISTRIBUTED BY SONY/ORCHARD SINCE 1985 Available now! DISTRIBUTED BY SONY/ORCHARD listen here PreSave the New Album from PH8L Raps Available 8/6/21

The first video from "Back To '85" The Rest Less Remix Who am i? For those who grew up during the Golden Era of Hip-Hop, the art and culture left a valuable imprint on the young minds of emcees today. PH8L is one of those emcees, who's Chicago roots infused his soul with the urban culture that now permeates as a pure breed lyricist with extreme mic versatility.