- PG

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I finished reading Britt-Marie Was Here tonight. It was one of those books that I wanted to read nonstop but also wanted to savor, so I took my time and reread a good bit as I went. I didn’t read the synoposis going into it, and I’m so glad. It got to be exactly what it needed to be for me. I look forward to reading it again in the future.

I spend a lot of time in the car. As a freelance interpreter and former home health SLP (I run my own practice now), my car serves as my unofficial office. I spent a good deal more time in it pre-pandemic than I do currently, of course, but I still have to go out and about on a regular basis, and have throughout the past year.

I’ve been driving my car for 14 years now, and plan to keep driving it as long as it lets me. It came with the basic setup, a non-upgraded factory stereo which has served me well for many years. When I got it, radios were simply AM/FM receivers with a CD player (and tape decks before them). It also included an advanced setup in the form of an auxiliary port, which I made judicious use of once I had an iPod to plug in. This eventually lead to using my phone, and once I wore out a series of 3 or 4 3.5mm audio