- Petra Schofield | Freelance Director – Acting Tutor

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Petra is a Freelance Theatre Director – working as Artistic Director of Magic Penny Productions, Production Director for Music is Life Productions Ltd.(a company specialising in bringing new musical theatre to the stage,) Director of the Midsomer Norton Theatre Company and Youth Company Director for The Merrimen Theatre Group.

Magic Penny Productions is a company providing workshops and bespoke productions accessing the history curriculum through Drama. The first project was a community centenary celebration for Peasedown St John Primary School involving past and present pupils alike. Through workshops pupils were able to explore life a 100 years ago and through extensive research Petra wrote a play culminating in 3 performances at The Prospect Theatre, Writhlington. Magic Penny is available to visit schools across all key stages

In November 2013 Petra produced Rent! for Bods at The Mission Theatre Bath and in September produced and directed Pencoweth, a brand new musical, for Music is Life Productions -following on from the double award winning The Decent Rogues in 2012. A tour is in the planning stages.