- Dr.Alex

Description: Aleksandr Petiushko: personal site.

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Principal R&D Researcher (15+ years of experience), R&D Technical Leader (10+ years of experience), and R&D Manager (7+ years of experience). Running and managing industrial research and academic collaboration (35+ publications, 30+ patents). Inspired by theoretical computer science and how it changes the world.

Dr. Aleksandr Petiushko is a Director, Senior Research Manager at Autonomous Driving company Nuro (Mountain View, California), leading Machine Learning Research, an Adjunct Professor at Sofia University (Palo Alto, California) giving courses on Machine Learning, and a lecturer at Lomonosov MSU and MIPT, giving lectures on the Theory of Deep Learning. Before Nuro, worked as a Team Lead / Scientific Expert, Chief Scientist at Huawei, as a Managing Director / Leading Scientific Researcher at Artificial Intelli

PhD in Theoretical Computer Science, 2016