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Working together to achieve the best Petersgate is an Infant School with children from 4 to 7 years, located in the village of Clanfield in the Hampshire South Downs. Welcome from the Co-Acting Headteachers As the co-acting headteachers of Petersgate Infant School, we welcome you and your family to our school website – your window into our school.

Petersgate Infant School is a wonderful school to work in; our talented and hardworking staff are committed to providing the very best.  We are very proud of our school and the way it is continually developing as a creative, child centred environment.  Relationships throughout the school are based on mutual trust and respect; all children are valued and all staff work hard to help every child reach his or her full potential.

We pride ourselves on a high level of education alongside a personal and individual environment where children have the ability to develop and thrive.  Children leave our school at the end of Year 2 with results above the national average and with the confidence and skills to face the challenge of moving forward to the junior school.