- Art of Fact: Dr. Peter Nulton – Classical Archaeologist, Art Historian, and Maritime Archaeologist

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Classical Archaeologist, Art Historian, and Maritime Archaeologist

Peter Nulton is a senior lecturer in RISD’s Art History Department.  A specialist in the ancient cultures of Greece, Rome, and Egypt, he teaches art history surveys and more specialized electives in the art of the ancient Mediterranean.  He holds an undergraduate degree in Ancient Languages and Fine Arts from Fordham University, and a doctor of philosophy degree in Archaeology from Brown University.  Before RISD, he taught Classics at Trinity College, and History of Art at Clark University and the Universit

Dr. Nulton has conducted excavations and research in Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Egypt.  His Fulbright scholarship resulted in the publication of The Sanctuary of Apollo Hypoakraios and Imperial Athens.  His work on the Athenian Acropolis is cited in the guide to the Acropolis Museum.  Dr. Nulton is a certified specialist in archaeological scuba diving, and also serves on the board of the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project.