- Peter Muld Productions | Filmmaker - Photographer - Cinematographer

Description: Peter Muld har basen i den Bohuslänska naturen men fotar även runt om i världen, och det är djur och naturfoto som det handlar om när han fotograferar.

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As a photographer and filmmaker, you have an obligation to make people aware of what our nature really looks like. Not only the beauty, but also how we treat nature with clear-cutting, littering, trophy hunting etc.

Stefan Edman, Lisa Sihlberg and I have just finished our filmproject about the Bohus coast. It´s a environmental documentary where we’re interviewing scientists and fishermen about out fishing, loss of habitats and cod, marine litter, climate etc. I can promise you exciting interviews and beautiful landscape. Lots of facts about life both below and above the surface. It is increasingly important to enlighten people about the environment and one way to do that is through storytelling and photos. We have chos

Peter Muld Productions is about making film, productions, photography and websites. I started making websites 2010 and since then I have made over 60 websites for companies all over Sweden. I always work in WordPress and the theme DIVI. Now my main focus is photography and filmmaking. Commercials, shortfilms and documentaries. I work in Final cut pro x when I produce film and for photos I work in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. I´m also an exclusive artist for Pond5 where I sell some of my work.

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