- Perspective Psychology Servcies

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I am passionate about the provision of holistic and respectful mental health support to clients and their families, and I believe strongly in collaborating with a client’s care team (including occupational therapists, speech pathologists, GPs, paediatricians, psychiatrists and complementary/alternative health care providers) to give the best care possible.

I have practiced in a variety of government, not-for-profit, and private psychology positions. I have a Masters of Child Play Therapy through Deakin University on top of my Psychology degree and full registration as a psychologist. I am an approved NDIS provider, I am a member of the Early Intervention Service Provider Panel providing early intervention services under FaHCSIA funding for children under age 7, I provide services under WorkCover QLD, Victims Assist, I am Medicare registered and able to provid

Expressive therapies include art therapy, music therapy, Play Therapy, sandplay therapy and other forms of movement-based therapy. These types of therapies work well because they target multiple areas of the brain and help them to work together. These types of therapies are based on a deep respect for the client and their inherent capacity and as such they help children, adolescents and adults alike to express themselves in the way they need to help them heal in their own way.