- peoplearerubbish

Description: Waiting for another disappointing and cowardly response from someone a few months ago, I posted a note up on my fridge. People are Rubbish. Then I stuck a photo of a white bear next to it, as though he had said these words. People are indeed mostly rubbish. They are rubbish as individuals and as…

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Waiting for another disappointing and cowardly response from someone a few months ago, I posted a note up on my fridge. People are Rubbish . Then I stuck a photo of a white bear next to it, as though he had said these words. People are indeed mostly rubbish. They are rubbish as individuals and as representatives of companies. They are rubbish as lawyers, bankers, estate agents, energy suppliers, lovers, friends, colleagues, parents and children.  They tell you they have heard you have been involved in a min

This site responds, in a vague kind of way, to the premise that people are rubbish. It may well be that people turn out not to be rubbish now and again.

For it is not people who are rubbish; it is the contexts they are placed in which force them to behave in a rubbish way.They tell you they have heard you were involved in a minor accident because their living depends on it; they tell you they have examined your request because they have examined many others and work on aggregates; they tell you on Facebook they are ina VIP lounge in a New York club because they know you are a voyeur; they tell you they have sent your cheque in the post because they need to…