- The Seventh Continent

Description: Antarctica.

antarctica antartica penguin mcmurdo pole polar ozone science am (1)

Example domain paragraphs

To all of you who have found your way here thanks to International Talk Like a Pirate Day , Ahoy, Me Hearties! If you found my webpage mentioned in the April, 2005, edition of "Cooking Light" Magazine. You'll find my mention of cooking Thai curry in the Antarctic here . It's approaching Midsummer at Pole . Planes come and go almost every day from McMurdo . Ice Cube construction is done, with 80 primary strings and 6 "Deep Core" strings. While you are waiting on me to have time to make updates, you can see w

AMANDA   (external site) IceCube   (external site) Penguins! Lake Vostok Sunrise and Sunset Charts The Ozone Hole Antarctic Climate

Featured Picture Self Portrait in front of the Transantarctic Mountains, March 1995 My Photo Gallery