- Books about Penguins!

Description: Great books about penguins.

birds (1893) antarctica (220) penguin (121) penguins (88) penguin books (9) flightless (3) books about penguins (1) penguin reference (1) penguin subject (1) flightless birds (1)

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If you like penguins as much as I do, you know how hard it often is to find the best books about them. There are a lot — a search on "penguins" at yields more than 60,000 titles. (Granted, some of these are out of print, but you get the idea.)

To save penguin lovers the trouble, I’ve created, where I list my favorite books about our flippered-but-flightless friends.

This site has been active and in use by its current owner since July 1998. It is not affiliated with the Penguin Group.