- The Artwork of Pegeen Shean

Description: Showcasing the eclectic artwork of Artist Pegeen Shean from Seattle, Washington. Works includes painting- narratives, portraits, graffiti and abstract; as well as products that feature her designs.

portfolio (17241) painting (13764) artwork (6959) prints (3601) stories (3352) laptop skins (16) fine art cards (9) pegeen shean artist (1) ipad cases and skins (1) iphone cases and skins (1)

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I paint stories and for the substance of my narratives, I draw on my life experience as well as from those around me. I love intertwining tension with dramatic devices such as satire, paradox, irony, and suspense. The basic ingredients for the making of a great novel, play or movie also make for an excellent painting. I am not a realist, so it is not important to me to have my paintings look like a photograph, the essence of a person is good enough; what is important to me, is the story.