pdfhummus.com - Hummus PDF

Description: Dedicated to a fast and free PDF Writer and Reader Library, Available for C++ and NodeJS environments

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Example domain paragraphs

Hi, Quick note about new stuff with PDFHummus C++ library.

I decided to sit down and learn some more cmake, which led to an attempt to make PDFHummus into a cmake package…which seems like it succeeded.

So, thoeretically speaking without knowing much about your current setup, there’s no longer need to do some custom ExternalProject or copy the library code to your project. Rather you can either use find_package(PDFHummus) if you installed PDFHummus already or use FetchContent to grab PDFHummus from its github repo and install it in your project (as well as try to find a local copy first), and then its just a matter of target_link_libraries (<YR TARGET> PDFHummus::PDFWriter) to link your code to PDFHummus (