pdfchat.com - PDF Chat - The Best PDF AI Chat App

Description: We built the best ChatPDF app that allows you to chat with any PDF: upload files, get summaries, extract insights and answers with citations. PDF Chat is more adept at handling documents than ChatGPT!

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const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset");e.complete&&(e.sty

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