pdcvds.com - FSA Directeur Sportif

Description: Fantasy cycling league for members of the Podium Café cycling blog.

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The FSA Directeur Sportif presented by Full Speed Ahead is a year-long cycling fantasy competition. It is free of charge to all registered members of the Podium Café. And becoming a registered member of the Podium Café is also free, and takes about ten seconds. Go register with the Podium Café first, if you haven't already. Then come back here to sign up and get started!

Once you're registered, you can join the competition for 2023. Please read the Rules page first. There aren't many rules, but it is important that your team follow them. If your team does not meet the criteria provided, it cannot be submitted.

Once you have read the rules and signed up , click on My Team and follow the instructions for submitting your team.

Links to pdcvds.com (1)