- Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu

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Postdoctoral Reseacher in Social Sciences and Economic History

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Milan at the Department of Political and Social Sciences working at the crossroad of economic history and political science. Since 2020, I am working on an ERC project DESPO on the political consequences of deindustrialization with Anne-Marie Jeannet . My research interest focuses on the Atlantic economy, economic crises, social conflict, and economic development from the Middle Ages to the early nineteenth century.

After getting a Master’s Degree in Medieval and Modern History, I defended my PhD thesis in December 2020 at the University of Caen Normandie entitled: Normandy in the Atlantic Economy during the Eighteenth Century. Production, Trade and Crises . My thesis contributes to the literature on the economic development in the lon rung. I also document the political, social and economic consequences of various shocks on a regional economy. Another part of my research focuses on the evolution of living standards fr

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