- Paul Maharg – Legal education; technology; rhetoric

Description: legal education :: technology :: rhetoric :: legal theory

Example domain paragraphs

by Paul Maharg on 05/05/2022

First, a word about the two sessions that weren’t recorded, namely the demo interview with Alexis Callen as lawyer and Dana Mohr as SC, and the panel: Alexis, Dana, Joan Rilling.  Alexis did exceptionally well as a 1L lawyer, and Dana was first rate at enacting the client, and then switching into feedback mode with Alexis.  Very good illustration of the power of the method in action.  The panel was an opportunity for our participants to ask student and SCs about their experiences, which worked well.

And so to the wrap-up session, which was a lot more lively than I thought it might be.  Workshop themes included: collaboration, funding, value of skills practice, learning to receive feedback, transition learning focus from knowledge to skills, desire for scaffolding skills learning, achieving buy-in to integrate skills learning as core component of law school, including opponents in skills program planning, adapting skills learning and rubrics for students with disabilities.  (Thanks to Angela for this li